Sunday, April 30, 2006

Youth Rally!

This Saturday is the Youth Rally! It will be at our Church from 7-9 and is going to feature the praise band from Park Street Church and a special guest speaker. There will be refreshments and door prizes. Be sure to bring a friend and to tell everybody you can think of. We want to fill up the church this year. E-mail me at or Pastor Bob at if you have any questions.

YF Tonight!

Hey Everybody,

Remember to come to Youth Fellowship tonight 6:30-8. We're going to be having a discussion tonight instead of a "Jon Blabbing" lesson. So bring a friend, bring a significant other, bring yourself! See you later.


Sunday, April 23, 2006


Hey Everyone,

I hope that everyone had a great Easter break. We will be getting back into the swing of things tonight at YF. We are going to be discussing some important things about this upcoming summer so it is important for you all to be there. See you tonight!


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Tonight, Tonight!

Hey Everybody,

Just a reminder to come to YF tonight at 6:30. We will be looking at the last two parts of the story of Holy Week. Also, those of you who are going to participate in the Good Friday walk at Breakheart need to let me know that you are in so that I can put you in contact with the relevant adults. Okay, i'll see you all later.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Yet Another SkiTrip Photo

Here is another stunning picture of SkiTrip2006. Pictured from left to right are Emily K., Wonderboy, Sarah K., Paul S., Nick B., Shelby S. and Shannon S. If anyone else has any photos they want to post, send them to Posted by Picasa