Saturday, November 18, 2006


Hey Everybody,

Here are some news items:

1. Next Sunday, November 26 is the Advent Festival. We are in charge of the worship service. We will be practicing at YF this week. Please try to be there!

2. The Lock-In will be Friday-Saturday December 1-2. We will be giving you more details at YF tomorrow.

3. Unfortunately I do not think we will be able to do a bake sale this year. Amy and I have not been able to to get it organized in time.

4. YF is in charge of Fellowship Hour after church on Sunday mornings for the month of December. Please ask your parents if they can help us with that.

That's it! See you tomorrow night!


Sunday, November 12, 2006


Hi Everybody,

Sorry that this post is so incredibly late. I forgot to post earlier this week! Anyway, we are having YF tonight 6:30-8 as usual. I hope you can all make it. We're wrapping up our discussion on "Heroes" and I think the lesson will be interesting. I hope to see you all there!


Friday, November 03, 2006

No YF this week

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to remind you that there will be no YF this week. Amy and I will be visiting a couple of my relatives down in New Jersey. We will be picking back up on Sunday November 12. See you then!


Monday, October 30, 2006

Colllege Applications

Hey Seniors,

With college application time right around the corner I know that a lot of you are probably feeling a little stressed out. Amy and I want to help in any way that we can. If you need a recommendation written or an essay edited just let us know. We are here to help and we are more than willing to give you a hand, even if you just need a little advice. We've been through the process and we know how tough it is. We believe in all of you and we know you'll do great!


Sunday, October 29, 2006


Hey Everyone,

Just a reminder to come to YF tonight 6:30-8. We will be talking about some more "Heroes" tonight as well as playing some fun games. We have a few things to discuss tonight (T-Shirts, Lock-in, etc.) so please try to make it if you can!

-Jon and Amy

Sunday, October 22, 2006

YF Tonight!

Hey Everybody,

Well I hope you all enjoyed your week off, but we're getting ready to get back into the swing of things. Tonight we'll be playing some fun games and having a Catacombs service. We really miss you all so I hope you can make it. 6:30-8. See you then!

-Jon and Amy

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Week Off

Hey Everybody,

Thanks to everyone who came to YF last Sunday. We had a fun time going out for ice cream. We missed everyone who couldn't make it. We will miss you for a little bit longer since we will not be having YF on Sunday October 15. Amy and I will be away for the weekend. If you need us for anything feel free to give us a call on our cell phones.

During the week off I want to encourage you guys to think about some things that you would like to do this year. The first few weeks of YF have been really great, but I've noticed that our attendance has been a little low. I realize that you guys are all pretty busy, but I really want to make YF something that not only fits into your schedule, but something that you really feel is important to you.

Amy, Micah and I have a lot of ideas but we need your help too. Let us know what you like and what you don't like about YF. Let us know some things that you think would make it more interesting and relevant to your life. Let us know what we can do to reach out to people who haven't attended in a while. We are committed to making this a great year for our group, but this group doesn't belong to us... it belongs to you! Stand up and help us make YF something really special.

If you have any ideas or any comments feel free to call us or e-mail us. You can reach me at or Amy at I hope you all have a great week off. We will miss you and look forward to seeing you on the 22nd.

-Jon and Amy

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Hey Gang,

Sorry about the lateness of this post... it's been a busy week. We are having YF tonight at 6:30-8. I hope that all of you can make it. We're going to be continuing our look at the lives of some heroes who have displayed different ways of living out our faith. See you later tonight!


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Happy Singing Guy Wants You To Come to YF!

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to say that I would really appreciate it if you all came to Youth Fellowship on Sunday night. The Singing last week was pretty happy, but not nearly as joyous as I like it to be. So this is my invitation to come and to bring your singing voices with you. I know that i'll be there!

-Happy Singing Guy
 Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Hello Everybody,

Just a quick reminder that YF is TODAY! We will be meeting from 6:30-8. Bring yourself, bring some friends, bring some awesomeness. We can't wait to see you all.

-Jon and Amy

Sunday, September 10, 2006

First YF of the Year!

Hi Everybody!

Well the long summer is finally over. We're back in school, football season has started (go Pats) and the weather is starting to get cooler. You all know what that means... YF is going to start! This coming Sunday, September 17 will be our first Youth Fellowship meeting of the year. We are really looking forward to having a great year and we hope you will come with some ideas about discussions you would like to have, games you would like to play and some activities you think would be fun for the group. YF starts at 6:30 and goes till 8 pm. So come with yourselves, your friends and your fun-loving spirit.

We'll see you then.

-Jon and Amy

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Possible Adventure

Hey Everyone,

Once again I apologize for being out of touch for so long. This summer has been absolutely insane for Amy and me. Amy has just finished her Masters thesis and now we will be moving over the course of the next two weeks! Needless to say, our hopes and plans for summertime fun with you guys hasn't quite materialized like we wanted.

But, we do have an opportunity to hang out this weekend! Our dear friend Emily Butt will be returning from her summer of fun with the Marines. Her parents will be hosting a party for her up in Milton, New Hampshire... and we're all invited! If you've never been to Emily's NH home, it's right on a lake so there is plenty of swimming, tubing and other activities. The festivities will take place for most of the day so you can come anytime you want. If you are interested in coming this weekend call me (Jon) at 551-206-7682 to let us know. We won't be able to give many rides since we will be moving, but you could call Vicky Butt at 781-233-4650 to get directions and maybe catch a ride. In any event, let me and Amy know if you want to come and we can help make sure that you can get there. We hope to see a bunch of you this weekend!

-Jon and Amy

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Finally Some News

Hey Everyone,

I'm so sorry that Amy and I have been out of the loop for the last month. We've had quite a lot of things going on in our lives. Amy has been finishing up her Masters thesis, working, interviewing for jobs and generally trying to stay sane. I have been doing much of the same.

Unfortunately it looks like a lot of our plans for this summer have gone up in smoke. My job doesn't allow me much time off and some other things have sprung up to ruin some of our ideas. So let me begin by saying that there will not be a big trip this summer down to New Jersey. The only weekend that I could organize the trip for was the weekend of August 25-27. We found out a few weeks ago that Amy's best friend is going to be getting married that weekend... so that put an end to our plans.

Don't worry though! We still have some great ideas for activities. We have a few suggestions and we want you guys to think of some too. Some ideas I've had are:

1. A beach day - we could all go and hang out for a day of fun in the sun, surf and sand
2. A North Shore Spirit game - Nothing says summer like baseball!
3. A game day - we could play football, frisbee or even garbage can basketball

If you guys have any suggestions, just e-mail me at I'll let you know what is going on. I promise to do better about updating the blog. Thanks, hope to talk to you all soon!

-Jon and Amy

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Last YF Meeting of the Year!

Hey Everyone,

Tonight is the last YF meeting for the school year. Everyone will be heading there seperate ways for the summer to do different and exciting things. But, before we all depart, it would be great to see you all tonight. The meeting will be regular the 6:30-8 time. We hope to see you there.

-Jon and Amy

Sunday, June 11, 2006

We're Back

Hi Everyone,

Amy and I are back from our honeymoon and we're planning on having YF tonight at the regular time! We will only be meeting this week and next week before we break for the summer so come tonight. We will see you all later.

-Jon and Amy

Monday, May 22, 2006

No YF Until June 11

Dear YF Members,

Amy and I will be gone until June 7 on our belated honeymoon. That means that there will be no YF meetings until Sunday, June 11. I hope that you all enjoy your Memorial Day weekend and we'll see you when we get back!

-Jon and Amy Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 21, 2006

YF Tonight!

Hey Everybody,

Just a reminder to come to YF tonight at 6:30. This will be our last YF meeting for a little while. Amy and I will be on our belated honeymoon for the next two weeks so there will be no official YF meetings. So if you absolutely are dying to see us... you'd better come tonight! Also, i've posted a picture from our youth rally. Enjoy!

-Jon Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 13, 2006

No YF this Sunday

Hey Everyone,

Just a reminder that we should all buy flowers for our mom's this Sunday! Because of Mother's Day, we will not be having Youth Fellowship this Sunday. We will be back to noraml next week. Have a great weekend!


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Youth Rally Redux

Hey Everybody,

Just another reminder to come to the Youth Rally on Saturday May 6 at 7 o'clock. There is going to be a really talented band and a great speaker. Plus snacks and door prizes. I think it will be a lot of fun and the best part... I will be there! If that isn't motivation enough then I don't know what is. See you there.


Sunday, April 30, 2006

Youth Rally!

This Saturday is the Youth Rally! It will be at our Church from 7-9 and is going to feature the praise band from Park Street Church and a special guest speaker. There will be refreshments and door prizes. Be sure to bring a friend and to tell everybody you can think of. We want to fill up the church this year. E-mail me at or Pastor Bob at if you have any questions.

YF Tonight!

Hey Everybody,

Remember to come to Youth Fellowship tonight 6:30-8. We're going to be having a discussion tonight instead of a "Jon Blabbing" lesson. So bring a friend, bring a significant other, bring yourself! See you later.


Sunday, April 23, 2006


Hey Everyone,

I hope that everyone had a great Easter break. We will be getting back into the swing of things tonight at YF. We are going to be discussing some important things about this upcoming summer so it is important for you all to be there. See you tonight!


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Tonight, Tonight!

Hey Everybody,

Just a reminder to come to YF tonight at 6:30. We will be looking at the last two parts of the story of Holy Week. Also, those of you who are going to participate in the Good Friday walk at Breakheart need to let me know that you are in so that I can put you in contact with the relevant adults. Okay, i'll see you all later.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Yet Another SkiTrip Photo

Here is another stunning picture of SkiTrip2006. Pictured from left to right are Emily K., Wonderboy, Sarah K., Paul S., Nick B., Shelby S. and Shannon S. If anyone else has any photos they want to post, send them to Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 31, 2006

Sunday Night

Just a reminder to everyone that YF will be meeting at our regular time 6:30-8 this Sunday. Also, if you want to be able to post things on the Blog please give me your e-mail address. You can just e-mail me at or else just give it to me Sunday night. Okay, hope to see you all this weekend!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

For our first picture posting I thought it would be appropriate to have our wonderful Ski Trip 2006 Crew.  Posted by Picasa
Dear YF Members,

Amy and I thought that starting a AFAPZone Blog would be a great way for us to share information, prayer requests, jokes, pictures and whatever. If you want to be able to post anything just e-mail me at and I will make you a contributor. Thanks!
